2010年4月19日 星期一

2010年4月12日 星期一

Sendhand Tow Truck

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Miller Industries Celebrates Landmark Anniversary
Miller Industries is proud to announce that this year marks its 20th anniversary in the manufacturing of towing and recovery equipment. Since its beginnings in mid-April 1990, Miller Industries has continued to grow as a world leader in towing and recovery manufacturing under the well-known brands of Century, Vulcan, Chevron, Challenger, Champion, Eagle, Holmes, Jige and Boniface.The Chattanooga, Tennessee-based company is excited to share in its celebration and say thank you to all its customers who have helped lead to Miller Industries' success. As a result, Miller Industries will be hosting a number of special events and anniversary celebrations throughout the year, starting with the upcoming 2010 Florida Tow Show in Orlando on April 15-18.“We at Miller Industries are really looking forward to celebrating our 20th anniversary,” said Vice President of Marketing Randy Olson. “We can't thank our customers enough for their support over the years, but we're sure going to try. We've planned some exciting new events that will take place throughout the year. We don't want to give anything away, but we think that all our customers will be thrilled with what we have planned for Florida, and at many other shows throughout the season leading up to November and the AT Expo in Baltimore.”In addition to its headquarters and manufacturing plant in Chattanooga, Miller Industries also has facilities in Greeneville, Tennessee, Hermitage and Mercer, Pennsylvania, Thetford, England and Revigny, France. For more information on Miller Industries and their 20th anniversary, visit www.millerind.com.「砸10億換信心」 台豐田20萬輛大召修
更新日期:2010/04/12 19:07 蔡沛玲